About this library
We live in the age of the inflation of the word. Its presence is so ubiquitous, its quantity is so overwhelming that its value tends to be zero, carrying no meaning. Technology has made publishing easy and inflated. The idea this library is built upon is not to collect everything coming out from the internet, but instead to save from this deluge meaningful, purposeful, useful texts, texts with live ideas, texts which could be printed and which wouldn’t feel off on the tables of an anarchist distribution. The outcome of this endeavour is still unclear.
This project was forked from theanarchistlibrary.org by some substantial contributors embarrassed by what is being published there. The archive has been cleaned up, new texts are being added, the mess of topics sorted out as much as possible.
That said, this library goes elsewhere. It is not going to be an echo chamber of news or “social” sites, nor a catch-all site. The selection strives to be strict. There is no place for blog posts, rants, academic exercises, internet fights. It is not meant to please everyone. Instead, be assured that it is the product of the passion and the efforts of few individuals.
The library is in English because English is the modern lingua franca. As a side effect, texts coming from the USA are over-represented while other very interesting regions are under-represented, if not missing at all. This is a major problem.
There is no automated submission process. If you think a text deserves to be published here, please contact a-library-en@inventati.org.
This library wants to be a tool, or a weapon if you prefer. Its purpose is to provide quality anarchist literature to individuals and to distributions, focusing on printing and diffusion of anarchist ideas, also serving as a long term hosting solution for valuable texts.
Please contact a-library-en@inventati.org if you think a text should not be here.
This project is part of the net of anarchist libraries.