Title: Amongst Two Worlds
Subtitle: International Call of Action for the Hunger Strike of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Until Death
Date: 2015
Source: interarma.info
Notes: Translated by Inter Arma

The moment the following words were written, we’re on the 25th day of hunger strike, for the liberation of Christos and Gerasimos Tsakalos’ mother, as well as the second one’s girlfriend.

The pre-trial detention of our two comrades’ relatives was an act of revenge by the judicial power against us, in retaliation for the escape we had prepared, with the bombing of the prison.

Now, reaching a tipping point between life and death, we want to share some thoughts with brothers and sisters, accomplices, comrades and anarchists all over the world. Of course, we know that upgrades of repression does not occur only in the Greek territory. It has already been applied in several countries, wishing to avenge anarchist deniers of the existent. Recently, in Chile, cops wanted to implicate the mother of the comrade Juan Aliste (“Security” Case) to a case of escape attempt of her son and his comrades. Moreover, in Spain, through Operation “Pandora”, when comrades from the friendship circle of anarchist prisoner Monica Caballero were targeted, while relatives of the anarchist Tamara Sol, in Chile, during their visit in prison, suffered the revengeful sadistic “care” of the penal officers who wanted to inflict humiliating body searches on them.

These attacks against relatives and friends of the anarchist prisoners seek to form an impassable moat of isolation around us. What the arrests, the verdicts and the prison bars failed to achieve, the emotional blackmail and the locking up of our beloved ones in the cells of democracy comes to accomplish. The blackmail is clear: we either make truce, or our relatives remain in prison. We’re not going to sign any paper of repentance nor capitulate with power. We remain unrepentant anarchists and every day power keeps our people as hostages, the wolf of negation and attack festers more and more inside us…

We know that several comrades around the world, with whom we are connected through the complicity of the anarchist action, feel numb towards the choice of hunger strike. As some close comrades from Croatia wrote to us, hunger strike, posing demands on power, in some sense, acknowledges it when asks for their satisfaction. Somebody else could say the hunger strike looks like a reliance on emotions, which nourishes the traders of hope and humanism to play political games on our backs. We understand some concerns related to the method of the hunger strike as, in the past, we have shared them with each other. Besides, in several cases when we experienced the revengefulness of power upon us, we chose to act in a different way and not by hunger strike. To put it simply: to war, we answer back with war. Because our choice is always the attack. But now we’re not talking about ourselves. The hostages in prison are our relatives now. This is why we chose a hunger strike, to publicly expose the ugliness and morbidity of power. We are on the 25th day of hunger strike already and we don’t recognise a millimeter of donated ground by power to us. Besides, we are aware that freedom is conquered through the violence of our own actions and won’t be given away by its laws. But our relatives do not share the war we have declared against power, so they won’t share our imprisonment. This is why we demand their immediate release from the cells of democracy.

We know that hunger strike is a slow death. But it is not our death. It is the death of a society that remains dormant and quiet towards the fascism of power. We, therefore, take the responsibility to expose it further… This is why the hunger strike we’re on, is not a passive attitude, but a scream of attack that becomes praxis through the acts of solidarity. It is a scream of attack that meets with thousands of voices in demos, with hundreds of hands that vandalize walls with slogans of solidarity, that hang banners, squat buildings, radio stations, government offices, and set a thousand fires to banks, state vehicles, political parties’ offices, courts, in Greece, Italy, Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Czech, Spain, UK, Turkey and the soils of Kurdistan in battle. So, the hunger strike, when connected with actions of attack, is not a plea for pity, but a call for action. This is why we call, from today, the hunger strike we’re on to become a wager for the people of anarchy, for the Black International of the anarchists of praxis, for the FAI/IRF cells, for the comrades, for everyone who chooses to attack against the order, the quiet and the laws of this world and its civilization. From today, through the attacks all over the world, let us put forward the dilemma: either with anarchy, or with power.

Because, on the background of the hunger strike for the release of the CCF comrades’ relatives, in fact, two different worlds are competing: on the one hand, the world of power, order, regularity, law, judges, prisons and, on the other hand, the world of revolt, that of the streets, fire, freedom, anarchy…





Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – FAI/IRF,

Imprisoned Members Cell
Greek Prisons